Modern Relevance
So, I know the assignment for writing a blog post over the Qualities of Mercy project was cancelled. However, I was just really intrigued by all of the modern interpretations of Shakespeare’s centuries-old works in all of the different scenes. First of all, I have a confession to make. And this is coming from a future English teacher. Before taking this class, I really struggled to see why Shakespeare was so important to be taught in every classroom in the entire United States. I mean, he’s the only author specifically stated in the Common Core Standards that has to be included in curriculum. In my high school English class, my teachers did not make the plays relevant to our lives. Being the literature nerd that I am, I found my own reasons to be interested in Shakespeare. I loved the stories and the ideas, and I could get caught up in reading all of his plays. But as I said, my teachers never connected any of his ideas to the present day; I viewed Shakespeare’s works as an ar...