Welcome to our EN 345: Shakespeare blog!

Hello! If you're here, thanks for checking out our course blog for English 345/Honors 301: Shakespeare at Washburn University for the Spring 2019 semester. This space is where I and my students will be sharing our thoughts and experiences throughout the semester as we explore several of Shakespeare's plays as we participate in two different events: Washburn University's themester on the Freedom of Speech and Expression, and the Qualities of Mercy project, a collaborative teaching project involving 14 different schools across the United States each adapting/performing a regional interpretation of a scene from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.

If you'd like to know more about the course, you can access the syllabus here: EN 345 Syllabus.

If you'd like to know more about the Washburn Themester, check out the Themester website here: Washburn University Themester.

This blog will be available to read to the public as part of the Washburn University Themester, but I ask that you keep in mind this is for our Shakespeare class first and foremost. If you would like to know more about a particular post or topic, please feel free to email me at geoff.way@washburn.edu with any questions or comments.

I am really excited for the conversations we'll be having in this class throughout the semester, and I hope you'll join us for the ride!


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