Why are we like this?

So I'm going to start right off the bat and apologise for the sheer amount of memes in this post. But I think it's important to show that blatant racism, and a refusal to accept or acknowledge white privilege is prevalent throughout our society. Take the meme below: 
It's not wrong! More people believe that Bigfoot exists than the existence of white privilege and it's insane. Now, while searching  for "White people be like" memes might have been fun; it did raise a lot of questions just by the sheer amount of memes that pertain to casual racism. It's a well-known fact that many white people are assumed to be stupid, or dumb, and so I was certainly expecting to see more of those "dumb-fail" kind of memes rather than the ones I actually found - most of which looked like this:
Anyway, I promise I had a Shakespeare related point: Shylock, discrimination, Venetian Christians, stupid racism for no reason. And they're  existing in Shakespeare and in our society today. Now, though I personally agree with Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglelsias here; many people feel differently.

Take the difference between Christian Venetian and Jewish Venetian for example. Even though Venice was much like the melting pot of America today, Shylock (and other minority races today) is repeatedly discriminated against because of his beliefs and his religion. I mean come on. Logically, his hoarding of money makes the most sense. Antonio goes broke because he just throws his money away, and Bassanio seems to be several of thousands of dollars in debt! It's basic math and called being fiscally responsible. Not that I'm condoning anything that Shylock says or does, but come on. Why are we like this? The people reading Shakespeare were definitely at peak racism; but us, 500 years later acting the same way? Aren't we better than this? 
Apparently not.


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