Shakespeare is all around

After our end of class discussion,I was think about all the places Shakespeare pops up. I think you could study Shakespeare for years and still not be an expert. I think that says a lot about just how complex he and his works are. While every author leaves some kind of footprint, Shakespeare's is just so massive. I found a lot of intriguing quotes within quotes. When working on my commonplace book and reading Shakespeare it was amazing to me how much insight was in every single line. It seemed like underneath the plot in even the casual dialogue was even more text which I felt offered meaning. I think the plays themselves show much larger problems, the little lines here and there throughout the play offer even more insight into the day to day hardships of being human. When I started taking the class I guess I just didn't realize quite how large of a span of issues that are brought up in his plays. I've also noticed a lot more Shakespeare references this semester,more than I ever thought possible. I think this is another reason it's so important to study him because his work is still all around even today and actually knowing where these phrases come from is important!


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